

Welcome to The WebDev Blog!

This website was made with the objective of teaching you (and in the process learn myself), what I believe are the fundamentals technologies to become a Full-Stack Web Developer.

I’m going to write learning materials in the form of tutorials, quizzes and projects (both as code-alongs and homeworks) for anyone who wants to learn along with me.

For starters, some of the topics that we’re going to cover are:

  1. Tools of the Trade: The command line, text editors, the browser, etc…
  2. HTML: To Structure our web pages.
  3. CSS: To Style our web pages.
  4. JavaScript: To add Interactivity to our web pages.

Have in mind that I’m not an expert ninja programmer and that I don’t even work as web developer (yet). I’m just a beginner that wants to share the things I’ve learned in the past or that I’m currently learning.

If you feel attracted to the idea of following along the path of someone who wants to become a great programmer and help others along the way, keep reading through the pages ;).

The simplest way to navigate the blog is to use the Next and Previous arrows ( ) or through your Left and Right keyboard arrows on each page.