First Steps

You still remember how to use The Command Line, right?

If you’re new to this blog and don’t know how to use the terminal, or if you already forgot the basic commands, give that section a quick review and come back.

Why? Because you’ll be doing your first assignment right now:

  1. Open your terminal, you should be in your home directory.
  2. Using the cd command, go inside your “The_WebDev_Blog” directory.
  3. Inside of the “The_WebDev_Blog” directory, using the mkdir command, create a new directory called “HTML”.
  4. Go inside that “HTML” directory and making use of the touch command create a new file inside of it called “index.html”.
  5. You’re going to use a new command right now, so pay attention. if you installed Atom like I told you to do in the last page, enter this command in your terminal:
    $ atom .
    the “atom .“ command will start Atom in your computer with your current directory as the “target” of the editor.

It is really important that the file you created in step 4 (index.html) does ends with “.html”. If it doesn’t, the browser won’t interpret the file correctly.

Don’t close your terminal because we’ll be using it later ;).

In Atom, at the left side of your screen, you should see the “HTML” directory graphically represented with a folder on the left, and the “index.html” file nested inside of it. Double click the “index.html” file.

Your screen should look similar to this:

Screenshot of Atom Editor

You can click on the image to see it in a better resolution.

Now we’re truly ready to start writing HTML!